Senin, 28 September 2015


Every taxpayer as entrepreneurs who are taxed by LawValue Added Tax Act 1984 and amendments thereto, shall reportits business in the office of the Directorate General of Taxation whose jurisdiction covers residence or domicile entrepreneurs, and business activities made to be confirmed as Taxable Entrepreneur

Every taxpayer as entrepreneurs who are subject to Value Added Taxpursuant to the Value Added Tax Act 1984 and amendments thereto shallreported his attempt to be confirmed as a Taxable Person.    

Individual entrepreneurs are obliged to report his business in the office of the DirectorateGeneral of Taxation whose jurisdiction covers the residence and place Entrepreneursbusiness activities, while for the body Entrepreneurs are obliged to reportThe efforts at the office of the Directorate General of Taxation whose jurisdiction coversEmployers domicile and place of business activities. 

Thus, Employers individual or entity that has abusiness activities in the offices of the Directorate General of Taxes shall reporthis attempt to be confirmed as a Taxable Person at the office of the DirectorateGeneral of Taxation whose jurisdiction covers the place of residence or domicileEmployers and in the office of the Directorate General of Taxation whose jurisdiction coversplace of business activities performed. 

Taxable Person inaugural function in addition be used to determineTaxable Entrepreneur's identity was also useful to carry outrights and obligations in the field of Value Added Tax and Sales Tax on GoodsLuxury as well as for supervision of tax administration.Against Employers who have qualified as Taxable Entrepreneur,but did not report his business to be confirmed as Taxable Personsanctioned in accordance with the provisions of tax laws

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