Senin, 28 September 2015


Every taxpayer who meets the requirements of subjective and objective fit with the provisions of tax laws must register at the office of the Directorate General of Taxation whose jurisdiction includes the residence or domicile of the taxpayer and he was given a Taxpayer Identification Number

All Taxpayers who have fulfilled the requirements of the appropriate subjective and objectivewith the provisions of tax legislation based system self-assessment, are required to register themselves at the office of the Directorate General of Taxation to recorded as a taxpayer and at the same time to get a Registration Number Taxes.

The subjective requirements are in accordance with the requirements of the provisions concerningsubject to tax under the Income Tax Act of 1984 and its amendments.Requirements objective is the requirement for a resident taxpayer who receives orearned or required to perform cutting / harvestingin accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1984 and its amendments.The obligation to register applies to married women were subjected totaxes separately as a separate life based on the judge's decision ordesired in writing based on the income and property separation agreement.Married woman other than the above can enroll to obtainTaxpayer Identification Number in its own name in order to marry the woman canexercise the rights and fulfill their tax obligations separate from the rights andher tax obligations.

Taxpayer Identification Number is a tool in administrationtaxation that is used as identification of self or identity CompulsoryTaxes. Therefore, to each taxpayer only given one identification numberTaxpayer. In addition, the Taxpayer Identification Number is also used to keeporder the payment of taxes and in the supervision of the tax administration.In the case of documents relating to taxation, taxpayers are requiredTaxpayer Identification Number has. Against Taxpayersdo not enroll to get a Taxpayer Identification Number penalizedin accordance with the provisions of tax legislation.

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