are the contributions of the people to the state treasury by law to be enforced
with no remuneration is received directly. Tax authorities collected by legal
norms to cover the cost of production of goods and services collectively to
achieve common prosperity.
Government agencies that manage state taxation in Indonesia is the Directorate
General of Taxation (DGT), which is
one directorate-general which is under the auspices of the Ministry of Finance
of the Republic of Indonesia.
There are various limitations or definition of a "tax" proposed by
the experts of which is as follows:
Leroy Beaulieu
Tax is help, either directly or indirectly imposed by the public power of the
population or of goods, to cover government spending.
P. J. A. Adriani
The tax is a levy society to the state (which can be imposed) payable by the
taxpayers pay according to the general rules (laws) with no performance gain
back that can directly appointed and the point is to finance public
expenditures on state duty for to organize the administration.
Prof. Dr. H. Rochmat SOEMITRO SH
Taxes are the contributions of the people to the State Treasury by law (which
can be imposed) with no merit lead (performance counter) directly demonstrated
and used to pay for general expenses. Definition is then corrected to read as
follows: Tax is shifting fortunes of the people to the State Treasury to
finance current expenditure and surplus used for public saving, which is the
main source to finance public investment.
Ray M. Sommerfeld, Herschel M. Anderson, and Horace R. Brock
Tax is a transfer of resources from the private sector to the public sector,
not the result of a breach of the law, but must be implemented, based on the
terms defined in advance, without the benefit of direct and proportional, so
the government can carry out its tasks to run the government.
Taxes from an economic perspective is understood as the shift of resources from
the private sector to the public sector. This understanding gives the
impression that the tax causes the two situations to be changed. First, the
reduced ability of individuals in the control of resources for the benefit of
control of goods and services. Second, the increased financial capacity of the
state in the provision of public goods and services that are community needs.
While understanding of tax law perspective according SOEMITRO an alliance that
arises because of the law which gave rise to the obligation of citizens to
deposit a certain income to the state, the state has the power to compel and
the tax money should be used for administration. From this legal approach shows
that the taxes collected should berdsarkan law in order to ensure legal
certainty, both for the tax authorities as tax collectors and taxpayers as
Tax according to Article 1 paragraph 1 of Law No. 6 Year 1983 and was completed
recently by Law No. 28 Year 2007 concerning common rules and procedures
taxation is "mandatory contributions owed to the state by private persons
or entities who are forced by law, by not getting reciprocal directly and used
for the needs of the country for the prosperity of the people ''
Minggu, 05 April 2015
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