Senin, 13 April 2015


Excess Refund Tax Payment


Refund of excess tax payments (refunds) occurs  if the amount of the tax credit or the amount of tax paid greater than the amount of tax payable or has tax payment is not supposed to be payable,
with notes taxpayer has no other tax debts.

Procedures for Tax Payment Excess Returns  In terms of the amount of the tax credit or the amount of tax paid greater than the amount of tax payable:

- Taxpayer  may apply to the Director General of Tax refunds through  Tax Office  where
   the taxpayer is registered or domiciled.

- Director General of Taxation after the examination of the application for refund   excess tax
   payments, issuing tax assessment overpayment  in   the thing:

     • Income Tax, if the amount of the tax credit is greater than the amount of tax   payable;
     • VAT, if the amount of the tax credit is greater than the amount of tax   payable. If there is a tax 
        vied by the Value Added Tax collector,  the amount of tax payable is calculated by deducting
        the  amount  of output tax  taxes collected by the collector of the Value Added Tax; or
     • Sales Tax on Luxury Goods, if the amount of taxes paid is greater than the amount of tax

- Assessments Overpayment issued by the Director General of Taxation maximum 12 (twelve) 
   months from the letter complete application.

- If within 12 months of the request restitution, the Director General of Taxes   do not give a
  decision, then the application is considered granted, and Assessments Overpayment  published
  within the period of 1 (one) month after the expiry date. If  Assessments Overpayment published
  late, the taxpayer is given in exchange for  an interest of 2% (two  percent) per month is calculated
  from the end of the period of 1 (one) month    until   with when issued tax assessment letter Pay.

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