Jumat, 25 Juli 2014


The purpose of this Tool is to help the reader understand the structure, design, and administration of tobacco taxes. There is no doubt about the adverse health impacts of tobacco use. In both developed and developing countries, the Ministries of Health, tobacco interest groups , academia, and advocates against tobacco strongly believe that tobacco consumption should be reduced, and that tobacco taxes are the single
most cost - effective policy tool to achieve this goal. 
The challenge is how to engage in a dialogue with policy makers, most especially those in charge of tobacco taxes. An effective dialogue requires a good understanding of tobacco tax structure, design, and administration so that the impact of a tobacco tax increase on various economic issues can be better evaluated.
Although there is no doubt tobacco consumption adversely impacts health, policies to address this problem create conflicts of interest among policy makers to the point that policy can be ineffective.
More specifically, tobacco taxes and their consequences on the interests of policy makers create a conflict on why and how to levy taxes on tobacco products.

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